I have created this script for creating folder to upload their works during practical time. So when a student logged in to the system via network they have their own location to transfer the work files.
if (!file_exists($_SESSION['Folder']))
$thisdir = "E:\Sumith Bandara";
mkdir($thisdir ."/".$_SESSION['Folder'] , 0777);
}//end file exists
For the val;idating the folder and get their names, The session variables are useful top perform the tasks. Here are the sample code for storing the value.
$sql_stu = "Select * from students where ID = '$row[id]'";
$result_stu = mysql_query($sql_stu);
$row_stu = mysql_fetch_array($result_stu);
$folder_name = $row_stu['FirstName']." ".$row_stu['LastName']. " ".$row_stu['RegNo'];
$_SESSION['Folder'] = $folder_name;
According to above code, the folder name will be created with row element which is retrived by the fetch array query.The site appearance will look like below.