Saturday, December 24, 2011

Realistic Water Reflection Effect

effect to create and you can add it to any photo you like, although it has to work best with images that don't already contain water in them. Here is the original image.

After making the filter effects, The below image seems like being closer to water source.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Students accounts with thier own folder

I have created this script for creating folder to upload their works during practical time. So when a student logged in to the system via network they have their own location to transfer the work files.

if (!file_exists($_SESSION['Folder']))
   $thisdir = "E:\Sumith Bandara";
   mkdir($thisdir ."/".$_SESSION['Folder'] , 0777);
   }//end file exists
For the val;idating the folder and get their names, The session variables are useful top perform the tasks. Here are the sample code for storing the value.

$sql_stu = "Select * from students where ID = '$row[id]'";
    $result_stu = mysql_query($sql_stu);
    $row_stu = mysql_fetch_array($result_stu);
    $folder_name = $row_stu['FirstName']." ".$row_stu['LastName']. " ".$row_stu['RegNo'];
    $_SESSION['Folder'] = $folder_name;

According to above code, the folder name will be created with row element which is retrived by the fetch array query.The site appearance will look like below.